Monthly Archives: June 2017

Tips to keep your child’s mind active over the summer holidays

Tips to keep your child's mind active over the summer holidays

Tips to keep your child’s mind active over the summer holidays

During the holiday season, learning can easily take a back seat. Especially when you and your family are in the midst of the holiday festivities and are enjoying some well-deserved fun in the sun. However, if you want to make sure your child is still learning and developing their academic skills during their break, there are lots of strategies you can use:

1. Give them some screen time

Believe it or not, sometimes allowing your child to engage with technology at home is a good thing. There are loads of free and cheap educational apps available on tablets and phones and games available on the internet that are designed to encourage and develop a number of academic areas. If you know your child needs to work on their reading or mathematics skills, find a reading or maths app or a computer game that is both fun and a learning opportunity.

2. Have some fun in the kitchen

One of the easiest and most hands-on ways to encourage your child’s learning and development is in the kitchen. Cooking and baking together, for example, will enhance their reading and their math skills as they read recipes and gather and measure out ingredients. There are also lots of easy and safe science experiments available on the internet that you can conduct in the kitchen which will help embed the scientific principles that they may have already learned in the classroom.

3. Go on a day trip

If you and the kids are feeling a bit of cabin fever, why not take a day trip? At the beach or the park, they can experience and learn about nature and the environment while getting some much needed fresh air. Or you could go somewhere historical where they can learn about the history of their region or country and discover more about the world they live in.

4. Go to the library

One easy and free way of entertaining your kids during the summer holidays is to take them to the local library where they can choose the stories they love. Letting your child guide their own learning, will also teach you what their interests and passions are and allow you to nurture them as they grow up.

5. Play with your kids

Last but not least, play with your child! Let them make games and give them free reign to let their imaginations run wild! And if you can, join in the fun! Stimulating their creativity will allow them to be better learners and eventually more productive and motivated adults.

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Successful Exam Preparation Tips for Students

Successfull exam pareparation tips

Successful exam preparation tips

Exams are stressful for everyone.  Even the most academically minded of students can become nervous and anxious at the thought of having to take an exam. But rest assured, there is a range of strategies you can put in place to help get you through and get the results you want!

Here’s how:

1. Make a realistic plan

Before you start anything, make sure you have a plan of attack.  Write down a list of the subjects and the areas that require specific revision, the number of hours you wish to spend on each of those areas and what your exam prep goals are. A study plan will help you to provide some order to your work and give you a sense of control, especially when you are stressed!

2. Study with peers

Studying with peers in the right circumstances can be so beneficial. Not just to help calm any feelings of isolation and stress that come with studying, but also to motivate you and give you a fresh perspective on what you are learning. Your friends may also have answers to some of your burning questions and you may have the answers to some of theirs.  Working together is always more fun than doing it on your own.

3. Ask for help

Sometimes no matter how many times you try to solve a problem or comprehend a text, it just won’t sink in. This is when it is time to ask for help. Whether it’s seeking the help of your teacher or a friend or seeking out the services of a private tutor, it’s always important to ask for help when you need it.

4. Schedule in some downtime

When you are the midst of exam preparation hell, remember it’s important to also give yourself some time away from your school books. Just as our bodies need a rest, our brains do too, and taking that time will actually aid your performance in long run. So when planning your study sessions, pencil in some time to catch up with your friends, or meditate or just spend some time in the fresh air. Downtime will do you the world of good!

5. Look after your body as well as your mind

Lastly, it is so important to give your body the nourishment and movement it needs, especially during stressful study periods. Eating healthy and nutritious meals regularly and drinking plenty of water will maintain your energy, mood and sleep. Exercise, whether it’s a relaxing walk or a boxing class, will make sure your brain is firing on all cylinders and give you the energy you need to get through your exams.

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