How to give your child an extra boost with learning

A child’s most important role model and teacher is their parent. A parent takes on board many job roles, asides from providing for their child, they are also responsible for educating and eventually preparing their child for the real world. In order for parents to give their child an extra boost with learning, it is important that they are well acquainted with their child’s timetable, in order to support them academically throughout their time at school.

Follow these tips on how to keep up-to-date with your child’s learning:

  1. Monitor progress

Stay in the loop with your child’s progress at school. This will allow you to support them in difficult subject areas and encourage them with subjects they are progressing in. Ask them what went well with their day and what they are finding more challenging. Follow up on this by giving them an extra boost when needed and rewarding progress.

  1. Stay connected

Stay connected with your child’s school by getting to know their teachers and going to all parent-teacher conferences. Ask the school what you can do to help your child if they are struggling in any areas. Attending every parents evening will further keep you up to date, through discussing progress between the parents, teacher and child. Checking regular report cards will give an indication as to where your child is academically, based on mock exams and in-class tests.

  1. Keep up to date

Knowing their timetable and upcoming tests and exam dates is necessary for monitoring progress. This will ensure your child stays on top of revision and fully prepares for important exams.

  1. After school assistance

Helping your child prepare for exams is necessary for giving them that extra boost in school. Statistics show that you are 50 percent more likely to remember something you’re revising by saying it aloud. Perhaps try reciting the material together and testing your child on the syllabus through a question and answer format. Help with homework and ensure this is completed by the deadline. Also encourage extra-curricular activity, like leisurely reading, online educational activities and sports.

  1. Arrange additional help if needed

Being a parent is a full-time job; sometimes it is difficult to find the time to support your child whilst balancing everything else. Attending after-school tuition will establish a routine in a learning environment and free more time in a busy parent’s schedule, in order to give your child an extra boost with learning. StudyBox Tuition provides one-to-one support in maths, English and science, tailoring lessons to the individual and building skills and confidence.

StudyBox has centres in Croydon, Sutton and Wallington, with two new centres opening soon in Epsom and Battersea. You can book a free trial here. Alternatively, call one of our centres to find out more, on: 02086428884.
