3 steps to helping your child set and reach goals

Setting goals will benefit your child in many ways. It will help them aim towards any achievements and make tasks seem less daunting.
But as a parent, how can you help your child to set and reach their goals?
Try these 3 steps to helping your child set and reach goals:
Identify the goal(s)
- Ask your child what goals they would like to set.
- Try writing down the goals somewhere your child can see them. This way they will be reminded of what needs to be achieved.
- Let them monitor their progress. Then the tasks will feel like a rewarding process when they are accomplished.
Make a schedule
- Create a realistic schedule for your child to follow.
- You can get creative with it. Try making a chart with the goals and adding stickers when they are achieved. You can even colour code each task to make it visually pleasing to look at.
- A visual chart will make the goals easy to monitor and keep on top of.
Create a reward system
- Your child may feel more motivated to complete their goals if there’s an incentive.
- It could be anything, from a gold star on the chart, a chocolate or even an activity.
- If the goal is challenging, an incentive can make a big difference. Even praising your child and letting them know they are doing a good job will go a long way.
Following these 3 steps to helping your child set and reach goals will provide a structure for completing tasks.
It will also make the end goal less daunting by breaking down the process.