3 ways to help your child at home with their work

StudyBox students working out math problems.

As a parent, there are many things you can do at home to help your child with their school work.

If you’re wondering what you can do to improve education, why not try our 3 ways to help your child at home with their work:

Healthy Lifestyle

  • Ensure your child is getting enough sleep. It’s recommended that children need between 8 and 12 hours of sleep every night.
  • A healthy, balanced diet will improve the way your child functions. For example, calcium and Vitamin D helps strengthen bones and growth, iron is good for cognitive ability and Omega 3 helps the brain to function.
  • Lots of fruit and vegetables are important, as well as meat, fish and wholegrains.


  • Establishing a routine for your child will help them be organised and have structure in their day-to-day life.
  • This can be making sure they pack a school bag the night before, completing homework the day it is set and having a regular bed time.
  • Try setting a morning routine: enough time for having breakfast, brushing teeth and getting dressed. And an evening routine: set a time for completing homework, a set dinner time and time for winding down in the evening.


  • Reading with your child at home will improve vocabulary, imagination and pronunciation. You can read a few pages per night together. If they are confident reading alone, then try encouraging them to read a few pages of a book every night before bed.
  • Complete homework together. You can teach them new concepts and provide any extra help when needed.
  • Additional tuition. If there’s any subjects that are more challenging over others, why not consider after-school tuition? At StudyBox, we provide 1-1 support with tutors tailored to each individual student.

There are plenty of opportunities as a parents to help your child at home with their education.

Try our 3 ways to help your child at home:  assisting with schoolwork,  setting a routine to help time management and completing tasks, and maintaining a healthy lifestyle by getting plenty of sleep and having a healthy diet.

If your child needs any extra help in difficult subject areas, why not consider additional tuition with StudyBox?
