Maths Tuition
Why do some students find maths Difficult?
Maths learning is cumulative, which means you have to gain understanding in one concept before you can move on to the next.
Our first building blocks are established when we learn rules for add, subtract, multiply and divide.
These concepts build our foundation but all too often for many students this is where the problems start.

How can we help?
StudyBox provides maths tuition for students from Year 1 to GCSE. Students are taught methods based on the national curriculum. We aim to complement and support their school education and cover all aspects of Maths, Problem Solving & Exam Prep.
How lessons work
Students work with tutors on a 3 to 1 basis learning concepts & methods based on their school level. Each student has a unique lesson plan & works at their own pace guided by the tutor. Goals are set and monitored with weekly feedback to parents.
free trial
StudyBox provides a free trial and assessment. You can request a Free Trial any day after school or Saturday mornings.
Please contact us and choose the closest maths tuition centre near you.