StudyBox provides Maths, English and Science tuition for students doing Foundation or Higher at GCSE. Students come for 1 hour sessions per subject each week and work on building confidence and knowledge. Year 11 students focus on exam preparation & revision techniques for the end of year exam.

GCSE Tutor

How lessons work

Students complete a GCSE checklist to help decide on topics that need urgent attention. Students then work with tutors on a 2 to 1 basis learning concepts & methods based on their school level. Each student works through past exam papers that are then marked by the tutor and feedback given. Students learn to become more confident with exam style questions.

Free Trial

StudyBox provides a free trial and assessment. You can request a Free Trial any day after school or Saturdays.

Please contact us and choose the closest GCSE tuition centre near you.


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    How important are GCSE grades?

    In short, your GCSE grades will help shape your next few years after you sit them.

    Even if you don’t plan to go to University most employers expect people to have good Maths and English GCSEs and without this, it can be hard to get your foot in the door.

    If you’re concerned that one or more of your results might hold you back, don’t panic – speak to us today and put a plan in place to get the grade you want.

    GCSE reform what’s happening and when?

    In September 2016, new GCSEs in English and maths were introduced. The first of these exams took place in summer 2017.

    What’s changing?

    Exams and assessment

    Most exams will be taken at the end of the two-year course rather than on completion of modules. There will be fewer ‘bite-sized’ questions and more essay-style questions.

    The content will be more challenging, with more substantial texts in English literature and a number of new topics in maths.

    Everyone will have to do at least two science GCSEs (no single science option after 2016).

    Coursework and controlled assessment will disappear from most subjects, apart from practical ones such as art, dance and drama.

    GCSE grades

    Grading will move to a 9-1 scale, with grade nine being roughly equivalent to a top A* grade and a grade four equivalent to a low to mid grade C.