Call our Sutton Tuition Centre: 02086428884
Private tuition AT OUR sutton CENTRE
Located at 5 Robin Hood lane, our Sutton tuition centre is opposite West street next to the Robin Hood Surgery. Several buses stop just outside the St Nicholas shopping centre at the end of west street. There are two multi story car parks and short stay street parking ideal for dropping off and picking up.
Kids Coding Lab
how lessons work
Students work with tutors on a one to one basis learning concepts & methods based on their school level. Each student has a unique lesson plan & works at their own pace guided by the tutor. Goals are set and monitored with weekly feedback to parents.
kids coding lab
StudyBox offer coding classes for children aged between 5 and 15 years old, introducing them to coding using fun and interactive lessons.We run specialised classes for groups of up to 5 children at our purpose built classroom in Sutton. We run classes in term time and during half term and Summer holidays teaching the foundations of programming and mastering the skills required to think like a programmer.
free trial
StudyBox provides a free trial and assessment. You can request a Free Trial any day after school or Saturday mornings.
opening hours
Mon 12 – 7 pm
Tues 12 – 7 pm
Wed 12 – 7 pm
Thu 12 – 7 pm
Fri 12 – 6 pm
Sat 9:30 am – 1:30 pm
Sun closed
Our Teachers


English Tutor

GCSE English Tutor

GCSE Science & Maths Tutor
Book A Free Trial Now
Book a free trial and receive a free report on your child’s strengths and weaknesses.