GCSE exam preparation

With the 2017 GCSE exams only a matter of months away, preparation is vital.
The key to preparation is being organised and realistic with the time you set aside for studying, allowing plenty of time to go over the topics you find the most difficult.
At StudyBox, our students have been working hard practicing past exam papers with the aim of making small improvements each time.
GCSE Teaching And Learning Techniques
Every student learns in different ways so it is important for our tutors to spend time getting to know each student and finding out how they learn at their best. Some like quiet, some may prefer music to be on in the background. Some may be more visual with their learning, needing to see how things work to understand them. And others need to count or make things with their hands to get it more fully. When you understand how your child best learns, then you can help create the right environment for them at home to reinforce the work they do at our tuition centre.
Revision Timetable
To get started on your GCSE exam preparation you need to create a revision timetable. It is best to work back from the exam dates so you know how long they have got before they sit the paper. Once you have the schedule from the school, you can plot all the exams on the home calendar and in your diaries/phones and then everyone knows where to go and when.
Set Aside Revision Time
Setting aside time to go over your notes and doing timed test papers helps to take the nerves away from the exams. Our preparations help to give each child a much-needed boost to their understanding, to help them gain a more secure grade if they need some extra help with the subject.
There are 3 papers for Maths and 2 for English and the GCSE Exam Schedule usually splits them up a bit so you can prepare for each individual paper in turn, rather than the whole subject in one.
We still have some places available in Wallington and Sutton if you would like your teen to come along for an assessment. Book them in today for some targeted tutorials to help them get the grades they need.