How to make multiplying fractions easy

Multiplying fractions

Multiplying fractions can be a tricky topic to teach. But when it is broken down, it doesn’t look so daunting.


Here’s how to make multiplying fractions easy:


When multiplying fractions, the numerators (number at the top) must be multiplied by each other. And the denominators (number at the bottom) must be multiplied by each other.


Multiplying fractions can be made easier by drawing out the values. This makes the values visible and clearer to be able to multiply.



Multiplying fractions



Take for example:


1/2 x 1/3


The first step is to multiple the numerators (number at the bottom) by each other.



1 x 1 = 1


The second step is to multiply the denominators (number at the bottom) by each other.



2 x 3 = 6


Put the numerator over the denominator and the final fraction is:




The final step is to simplify the fraction. In this case, 1/6 can’t be simplified, so it remains as 1/6.


Multiplying fractions
