3 fun writing prompts for children

Introducing children to writing will boost their creativity and English skills. It is also a fun way to pass the time at home!
Writing is a skill for life, which is why it’s beneficial for children to practice from a young age. It will come in handy for essay writing, communication and even expression.
Encourage creative writing by trying these 3 fun writing prompts for children:
Write a letter:
Letter writing is a good skill for children to practice. There are many different types: thank you letters, job applications, letters of complaint – everyone will have to write a letter at some point in their lives.
Writing in this format is a transferrable skill, as it is similar to writing emails, which are more common than letter writing.
As a fun exercise, ask your child to write a letter to someone. It could be to a relative, friend, or even their favourite character in a book or film.
Introduce them to the layout of a letter. Address the recipient a the top: Dear…
Then introduce the subject, write in the first few lines what the letter is about.
Remember to sign it off at the end. Show your child the many ways they can sign off a letter: Sincerely, Kind regards, Best wishes…
Write a to-do list:
A to-do list is a good way to practice writing, whilst giving your child a responsibility.
Ask them to write a list of things they need to complete for the week. Get them to write it the weekend before, so they have the list for the start of the week.
This will provide your child with a structure for their week, giving them the satisfaction of ticking off a task once it’s complete.
Create an occasion card
If there’s an occasion coming up, like a birthday, anniversary, wedding, and so on – ask your child to make their own card. They can design the front according to the occasion and personalise the inside.
If there’s no upcoming occasions, your child can make a fictional card for a character they like. They can design the card around that character and personalise it to them specifically.