5 Tips For Your Child At Home

5 Tips for teaching your child at home
Every parent wants to ensure that their child has the best opportunities when it comes to their education. However, they often don’t know how or when to get involved until deficiencies are brought to their attention. Whether your child is excelling or needing extra assistance with particular subjects, we’ll show you tips for you to teach your child at home.
1. Find out how they learn best
Some children are linguistic learners and love to read and write. While others are interpersonal learners and work best when given an opportunity to talk things through in groups. Some may even find learning is easiest through movement and have a preference for kinesthetic learning. There are many different styles of learning and finding out your child’s preference will help you to achieve the best outcomes for them.
2. Establish a relationship with your child’s teachers
Before creating a plan for your child’s learning, meet their teachers and find out what your child should be learning in each subject at that stage. This way you can ensure your child won’t be daunted by the school curriculum and will be prepared for what’s to come.
3. Invest in creative study aids
The best thing about teaching your child at home is that you don’t have to mimic the classroom environment. These days, there are so many different ways a child can learn and so many different kinds of materials to aid in their learning. Whether its flashcards to assist with spelling, on online games for maths or e-books to assist with reading, study aids come in all forms – so embrace them!
4. Remove distractions
We all know that when we aren’t focused on the task at hand, we tend to make mistakes and can’t perform to the best of our abilities. Children are particularly prone to distractions so it’s important to let your child know that TV, phones, the internet and other hobbies will be available to them after their study period is over.
5. Provide positive reinforcement
Positive feedback is one of the best motivators for your child. This rule applies even more for our children than it does for us. So when running a tutoring session at home, don’t delay giving positive feedback. If they are challenged by a subject but are showing continued commitment, encourage their efforts and if they complete a task or project well, always celebrate their success.
The professionals at StudyBox can give you advice on what strategies work best for your child. For more information on how we can help just get in touch or take us up on our free trial offer.