Start off the year right

The academic year is upon us once again; it is important to start off the year right. The new syllabus is more challenging, so it is important to stay on top of the workload early on. It can be difficult for both children and parents to adapt to routine and get back into learning mode.
Follow these top tips on how to start off the year right.
Encourage reading for pleasure.
Find a genre your child enjoys and help them choose a book. Set aside twenty minutes before bed to wind down from a busy day and read.
Establish a routine.
Routine helps with organisation and time management. It starts from the minute your child wakes up until they go to bed. Set a time for breakfast, encourage them to pack their schoolbag the night before, a time for doing homework and for dinner. Once a routine is in place, days will be structured and tasks will be complete. Perhaps make a timetable and put it on display somewhere visible, as a reminder.
Help determine your child’s plans and goals.
Setting goals early on will ensure time for reaching these goals. Whether it’s achieving top marks in mock exams, staying on top of the workload or improving on difficult areas, it will take time and dedication. That’s why setting goals is a step closer to achieving them.
Create a working environment.
Dedicate an area for studying and completing school work, either at the kitchen table or in the study. Ensure this space is quiet and equipped with relevant supplies like stationary and paper. If there’s nowhere quiet in the house, find a local library or café to complete work.
Try something new.
A break from academia is important for de-stressing, so find what your child is passionate about. Whether it’s drawing, sports or music, encourage them to pursue an extra-curricular activity.
Attend additional tuition.
If your child is struggling in certain areas or needs an extra push, why not try additional tuition? StudyBox is a tuition company that offers one-to-one support in maths, English and science. Be one step closer to excelling in exams with StudyBox.
If you want to get a head start in September, sign up for StudyBox today! Book your free trial here. Alternatively, call one of our centres in Croydon, Sutton or Wallington on: 02086428884.